Nari Sahasi

Yuva Soch Army & Shiksha Pathshala and social media network, we want to connect common citizen with women courageous campaign. We have created a platform where we can share the stories related to women empowerment around the world including India and meaningful efforts in this direction. We will also invite the views and suggestions of the workers associated with this field.

Through this platform, we will not only share the work being done in the context of women empowerment and maintaining their dignity, but also highlight the news related to female violence so that immediate action can be taken on them. The purpose of this campaign will be to provide legal advice by making examples of incidents related to female violence i.e. to make others aware in the context of a case, keep updating about government policies and schemes. Together, all the helplines related to the safety and help of women have to be brought on one platform. Where any aggrieved woman can lodge her complaint just by clicking the link.

Educational institutions are an important axis of this campaign. The purpose of this great campaign of ours can be achieved only by making the schools and colleges participatory. In addition to Girls College, our focus will be on school colleges of education and boys. Often we forget to make girls aware that without making boys aware, change is impossible without changing their thinking. Therefore, teenagers will have to work with the same seriousness.

We have already made a move

  • We have successfully conducted the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign moving forward against gender equality and female violence. Our focus was on every state of India. In this campaign, we were able to add 1 thousand people.
  • Why this campaign for women empowerment ?

  • Only about 50 percent in UP, ie more than ten crore women. The figures of female violence are very high here. No socio-economic effort to take the state forward can be completed without their positive participation. To increase the participation of women, we must first control violence.
  • This campaign will give young thinking India a positive platform to show and expand its pen power. Apart from our existing readers, it will also become a medium for dialogue and interaction with a large group.

Nari Sahasi (सशक्त नारी सशक्त देश) This campaign will work to put a smile on every woman's face.

Welcome to this campaign. Join this Mahayagya by filling a resolution letter ....

Simple "arts and crafts" projects are a common elementary and middle school activity in both mainstream and alternative education systems around the world.

In some of the Scandinavian countries, more advanced handicrafts form part of the formal, compulsory school curriculum, and are collectively referred to as slöjd in Swedish, and käsityö or veto in Finnish. Students learn how to work mainly with metal, textile and wood, not for professional training purposes as in American vocational–technical schools, but with the aim to develop children's and teens' practical skills, such as everyday problem-solving ability, tool use, and understanding of the materials that surround us for economical, cultural and environmental purposes.

Secondary schools and college and university art departments increasingly provide elective options for more handicraft-based arts, in addition to formal "fine arts", a distinction that continues to fade throughout the years, especially with the rise of studio craft, i.e. the use of traditional handicrafts techniques by professional fine artists.

Many community centers and schools run evening or day classes and workshops, for adults and children, offering to teach basic craft skills in a short period of time.


Yuva Soch Army & Shiksha Pathshala